I drank too much coke today, it was long time since I didn't have a lot of coke in my body!
now I feel like a balloom, but no a regular balloom, I think a green balloom with glasses, I've never seen one like that!
burping...Im trying hard to say a long sentence but, i just can say HELLO!!, today I have supper with some friends and for sure im gonna ask for WATER!!!
Sunny day, cool wind, great day, sometimes you have to look for things carefully, no matter if you have to walk 17 blocks up hill, or knocking every single door on the way, at the end you will have an answer, sometimes, is not the answer you were looking for, but maybe is a hint to try again and again. walking is better than driving, you can experiment weird things, from pleasure to pain, but is better than being seating in a car, feeling fake air and listening the radio, who never play the music you want to hear; but going back to the walking stuff, you need a good quality equipment, a good pair of shoes, maybe your favorite ones, energy, perseverance and more things, things you never imagine, maybe some cool company, or just your own company, (I'd rather being with someone than alone, talking stupid things, or laughing about stupid situations, maybe because im stupid) anyhow today, I realized that I need a bicycle.